
  • wildduck/emails/00-example.json
    "disabled": true,

    "flag": true,

    "from": {
        "name": "WildDuck Support",
        "address": "info@[DOMAIN]"
    "to": {
        "name": "[NAME]",
        "address": "[EMAIL]"

    "subject": "[FNAME], welcome to our awesome service!"
  • enable example message

    • sed -i -e 's/"disabled": true/"disabled": false/g' /opt/wildduck/emails/00-example.json
  • The command you provided uses sed, a stream editor for filtering and transforming text. Here's a breakdown of the command:

    • sed: The command itself, used for text processing.
    • -i: This option tells sed to edit files in place. That means it will modify the original file directly rather than outputting the changes to the console or a new file.
    • -e: This option allows you to specify the script to be executed. In this case, it indicates that the following argument is a sed script.
    • 's/"disabled": true/"disabled": false/g': This is the sed script itself:
      • s: Stands for "substitute," indicating that we want to replace text.
      • /"disabled": true/: This is the pattern we want to match. It looks for the string "disabled": true.
      • /"disabled": false/: This is the replacement string, specifying that we want to replace matches of the first string with this.
    • g: Stands for "global," meaning that the substitution should happen for all occurrences in each line of the file, not just the first one.
    • /opt/wildduck/emails/00-example.json: This is the path to the file that sed will modify.
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