On Sunday morning, I got a call from Lawrence saying that the sailing plan had to be canceled due to continuous rain in the weather forecast for the coming week. Receiving such news at the beginning of the week made me feel utterly depressed. If I could sail once a week, I would feel very happy.
On Sunday night, when I woke up from sleep to go to the toilet, I didn't hear the sound of rain. There were no signs of rain during my commute on Monday morning either. All day, the clouds were low, the sun was hidden somewhere, and although the temperature was around 24 degrees, the muggy atmosphere made it seem like it was going to rain at any moment, but it didn't. Tuesday and Wednesday were the same. Even though the weather forecast kept predicting heavy rain. Strange.
On Thursday, I took a walk from home to Chao-Fu Road and had lunch with Mr. Oka. Along the way, there were a few tiny raindrops, but I didn't get wet. It was a muggy day, and my short-sleeve T-shirt, boxer shorts, and hair were soaked with sweat. It was not a suitable day for a walk.
After eating pig's feet at Shui Shi's, I caught a taxi at the stand on the left side of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi. It was the same driver as last week. According to this driver, due to President Lai Ching-te's inaugural speech, business has declined since May 21st, and it now takes him three hours to pick up a new passenger. It's outrageous. Many people are waiting at the airport, eager to leave the country as soon as possible. It seems that the Chinese military might be coming soon.
Incidentally, from 7:45 AM on May 23rd, a military exercise called "United Sword-2024A" was conducted around the island of Taiwan, from north to south and from east to west, lasting for two days.
Below is what I thought was the most important point in President Lai Ching-te's inaugural speech explaining the relationship between the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China:
"We all know that a nation exists only with sovereignty. The Constitution of the Republic of China stipulates that all sovereignty of the Republic of China belongs to its residents, and those who hold the nationality of the Republic of China are residents of the Republic of China. As this indicates, the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not subordinate to each other. Everyone must unite and love Taiwan. Every political party must oppose annexation and protect sovereignty. We must not sacrifice Taiwan's sovereignty for political power."
In short, "The Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not subordinate to each other."
By antagonizing President Xi Jinping, President Lai forced Xi to protest, otherwise he would have lost face.
< Memorial and Annual Memorial Service Schedule for Milly Lai>
Name of the Deceased: 柯翠蓮、1950-09-25 Age at Passing: 73 years Date of Passing: March 9, 2024
Please note that the dates for memorial services may vary depending on the region and religious sect.
- First Seventh Day (初七、1st 7th): March 15, 2024 (Friday)
- Second Seventh Day (二七, 2nd 7th): March 22, 2024 (Friday)
- Third Seventh Day (三七, 3rd 7th): March 29, 2024 (Friday)
- Fourth Seventh Day (四七, 4th 7th): April 5, 2024 (Friday)
- Fifth Seventh Day (五七, 5th 7th) [35th Day]: April 12, 2024 (Friday)
- Sixth Seventh Day (六七, 6th 7th): April 19, 2024 (Friday)
- Seventh Seventh Day (七七, 7th 7th) [49th Day]: April 26, 2024 (Friday)
- 100th Day: June 16, 2024 (Sunday)
- First Anniversary: March 9, 2025 (Sunday)
- Second Anniversary: March 9, 2026 (Monday)
- Seventh Anniversary: March 9, 2030 (Saturday)
- Thirteenth Anniversary: March 9, 2036 (Sunday)
- Seventeenth Anniversary: March 9, 2040 (Friday)
- Twenty-Third Anniversary: March 9, 2046 (Friday)
- Twenty-Seventh Anniversary: March 9, 2050 (Wednesday)
- Thirty-Third Anniversary: March 9, 2056 (Thursday)
- Fiftieth Anniversary: March 9, 2073 (Thursday)
- 日曜日の朝、ロレンスから電話があって,来週の天気予報によると、連日の雨のために航海計画を停止することになった。一週間の初めに此のような知らせを取ったら、心はどん底雨の沈んだ。
- 日曜日の朝、ロレンスから電話があり、来週の天気予報によると連日の雨のために航海計画を中止することになった。一週間の初めにこのような知らせを受け取ると、気分がどん底に沈んだ。毎週一回の航海をできるなら、とても幸せな感じ。
- 日曜日の朝、ロレンスから電話があり、来週の天気予報によると連日の雨のために航海計画を中止することになった。一週間の初めにこのような知らせを受け取ると、気分がどん底に沈んだ。毎週一回の航海ができれば、とても幸せな気持ちになるのに。
- 「日曜日の夜、眠りから目を覚ましてトイレに行く時、雨の音はしなかった。月曜日の出勤途中にも、雨の痕跡はなかった。一日中、雲は低く垂れこめ、太陽はどこかに隠れていて、気温は24度くらいだったが、周りの蒸し暑い雰囲気は、今にも雨が降りそうで降らなかった。火曜日も水曜日も同じだった。天気予報はいつも大雨だと言っていたのに。おかしいな。」
ー 「木曜日は、家から朝富路まで散歩して、丘副総と一緒に昼食を食べる日だ。途中、小さな雨粒がぽつぽつと降ったが、濡れることはなかった。蒸し暑い雰囲気で、半袖Tシャツとボクサーパンツ、それに髪が汗で濡れた。散歩には適さない日だった。
「 私たちは皆、主権があって初めて国が存在することを知っています。中華民国憲法は、中華民国の主権はすべての住民に属し、中華民国の籍を有する者は中華民国の住民であると定めています。このことからも分かるように、中華民国と中華人民共和国は互いに隷属していないのです。誰もが団結して台湾を愛さなければなりません。どの政党も併合されることに反対し主権を守らなければなりません。政治権力のために台湾の主権を犠牲にしてはなりません。」