
Time in out Medicine BPM Others
01:20 water 10cc pee 130cc
03:00 to 06:00 kept on getting up, wanted to pee or poo, tossing aroung, not stable
06:20 Accupuncture, but immeditely like the needle removed, uptight, not stable
07:42 water 10cc pee 20cc
07:53 morphine 5mg shot
08:50 moved to mitoku building 11F-02
09:00 oil massage
11:50 medicine to soothe nerver and help tp sleep ??
14:25 mediceine to supree nusea
14:41 The doc came and said the 11:50 shot of to soothing nerve seems work well, so he is going to concentrate using this medicine. She slept with this hot till 16:00
16:00 ice cream 2 sm spoon, water 5cc pee 120cc took a bath
22:00 Nausea, sleep pill