
the machine feeding the sleeping drung started from last night 21:00. This helped her to sleep till this morning 05:00. From 05:00 to 08:00 she tossed aroung, up, left, right, kept complaining pain. The machine stopped at 07:00 this morning. Took a shot of morphine at 08:00, 15 mins latter, then calm down.

Other than the morphine pad( a new One every other three days), since she was a little agitated and caould not have a good sleep and kept on complaining the pain, so doc order extra morphine shot for evcery 6 hours( ??mg??). And this makes her slept well, but we have to make her turn every couple of hours. Last night even we put her on the stool, kept on sleeping and no pee.

Time in out Medicine BPM Others
05:00 sit up for 2 mins
06:00 sit up fot 2 mins
06:30 water 10cc pee 100cc
07:00 machine stooped for feeding sleeping pills tossing aroung till 08:00
08:00 morphine shot took bout 10 minutes to take effect. This shot made her sleeping away like a baby will 12:30 when I came back
09:30 medicine for stomach
10:00 Fetanyl 25mcg morphine pad
12:30 water 15cc, ice cream 10cc pee 100cc With 8:00 morphine shot, she slept till now, and we woke her up to pee
14:30 came to measure 93%/83, 117/53 Still dozing and snoring away
15:30 water 20 pee 50cc doc said morphine shot at every 06:00 and 12:00 from now
17:10 nurse came to prepare sleeping dug machine, 21:00 to 07:00 (tunn off by nurse) alert and begged to be up, massage temper and try to sooth her
17:30 water 10cc pee 40
18:00 morphine shot from now, extra shot of morhine every 6 hours