
Frances leaves today, 20:00. had a limousine service to airport @15:00

09:00 went with Milly's coffin from home to crem・a・to・ry .霊柩車の同乗者はFrances, Keely and I. Jinnwen, John Cathie。Quebee, Jimmy and JiaJia went too. 13:30 picked up urn from cremetary and went to out family's tomb or called temple 14:40 Gebi and her husband, 阿hunn, guebee, April, jimmy . jiaja, Jessica, Jinweng, Cathie, john 17:00 阿珠姉ご夫婦、陳瑟瑟ご夫婦、阿隆ご夫婦、Gebi and her husband, 阿hunn, guebee, April, jimmy . jiaja 台中担子面。

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