
#! /bin/bash


echo -e "\n-- Executing ${ORANGE}${OURNAME}${NC} subscript --"

# install nginx
apt-get update
apt-get -q -y install pwgen git ufw build-essential libssl-dev dnsutils python3 software-properties-common nginx wget mongodb-org nodejs redis-server clamav clamav-daemon

# The software-properties-common package in Ubuntu and other Debian-based systems provides 
# a set of scripts and tools to manage software sources.

# ClamAV is an open-source antivirus engine used for detecting malware, including viruses, 
# trojans, and other malicious software. 
# ClamAV: The core antivirus engine for scanning files.
# ClamAV Daemon: A background service that facilitates real-time scanning and provides 
# a more efficient interface for applications needing to use ClamAV.

# rspamd
apt-get -q -y --no-install-recommends install rspamd
apt-get clean

# DMARC policy=reject rules
echo 'actions = {
    quarantine = "add_header";
    reject = "reject";
}' > /etc/rspamd/override.d/dmarc.conf