

Check if the $PASSWORD is good or not

TODO: if hostname can not be resolved (/etc/hosts misses

then sudo outputs 'cannot resolve hostname', so this check

"obviously" fails.

The sudo -k command is used to invalidate the user's cached credentials for sudo.

This means that the next time you run a command with sudo, you will be prompted to

enter your password again, even if you recently authenticated.

sudo -k #disable sudo timeout, will be prompted again for passowrd

#prime it

When you use sudo -S, you typically echo the password

and pipe it into the sudo command.

&> /dev/null, this redirects both standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr)

to /dev/null, effectively silencing any output from the command.

echo $PASSWORD | sudo -S echo hello &> /dev/null

local RESULT=$(echo $PASSWORD | sudo -S sudo -n echo hello 2>&1) if [ "$RESULT" == "hello" ]; then echo 'Correct password.' return 0 else echo 'Wrong password.' return 1 fi


export -f fun_check_password_boolean

Set the PASSWORD variable (be cautious about how you handle this)


Call the function


In Bash, $? is a special variable that holds the exit status of

the last command executed.

Check the return status

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Password check passed." else echo "Password check failed." fi

fun_check_password(){ if ! fun_check_password_boolean; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR:${NC} Wrong password, we should quit now." exit 1 fi }

RED='\033[0;31m' fun_check_password