ยง 2024-05-18

ysadmin@yushei-dtk-server:~$ mongostat --host ys20220318/redisMongo03.yushei.com.tw:27017 --username siteRootAdmin --password b23258585 --authenticationDatabase admin --discover

redisMongo03.yushei.com.tw:27017     *0     1     *0     *0       3     4|0  0.2% 65.4%       0 6.52G 3.85G 0|0 0|0  6.17k   59.6k   60 ys20220318  SLV May 18 08:19:44.318
redisMongo04.yushei.com.tw:27017     *0    *0     *0     *0       0     1|0  0.1% 79.5%       0 4.70G 2.89G 0|0 0|0   263b   54.2k   24 ys20220318  SEC May 18 08:19:44.333
redisMongo05.yushei.com.tw:27017     *0    *0     *0     *0       0     2|0  0.3% 69.2%       0 4.05G 2.40G 0|0 0|0   849b   61.7k   23 ys20220318  SEC May 18 08:19:44.347


        The hostname and port of the MongoDB instance being monitored (redisMongo03.yushei.com.tw:27017, etc.).

        Number of insert operations per second (*0, *0, *0).

        Number of query operations per second (1, *0, *0).

        Number of update operations per second (*0, *0, *0).

        Number of delete operations per second (*0, *0, *0).

        Number of getmore operations per second (used to fetch more results from cursor queries) (3, 0, 0).

        Number of command operations per second (general database commands) (4|0, 1|0, 2|0).

    % dirty:
        Percentage of dirty data in the cache (0.2%, 0.1%, 0.3%).

    % used:
        Percentage of the cache that is being used (65.4%, 79.5%, 69.2%).

        Number of flushes to disk per second (0, 0, 0).

        Virtual memory usage (6.52G, 4.70G, 4.05G).

        Resident memory usage (3.85G, 2.89G, 2.40G).

        Queue lengths for clients waiting for read and write operations (0|0, 0|0, 0|0).

        Active clients performing read and write operations (0|0, 0|0, 0|0).

        Network traffic in (amount of data received per second) (6.17k, 263b, 849b).

        Network traffic out (amount of data sent per second) (59.6k, 54.2k, 61.7k).

        Number of active connections to the database (60, 24, 23).

        The timestamp of the report (May 18 08:19:44.318, May 18 08:19:44.333, May 18 08:19:44.347).

        Replication status:
            SLV: Slave (Secondary node).
            SEC: Secondary node.

Interpreting the Data:

    Operation Metrics: The insert, query, update, delete, getmore, and command columns show the rate of operations. A *0 means that the operation is occurring less frequently than the sampling interval can detect.
    Memory Usage: vsize and res columns indicate virtual and resident memory usage. These values are important for understanding how much memory the MongoDB instance is consuming.
    Cache Usage: The % dirty and % used columns provide insights into the cache's state. High dirty percentages can indicate that a lot of data needs to be written to disk.
    Network Traffic: netIn and netOut show the network activity, which can indicate how much data is being received and sent by the MongoDB instance.
    Connections and Clients: The conn column shows the number of active connections. High values here might suggest heavy usage or potential connection pooling issues.
    Replication Status: The repl column shows the role of each member in the replica set (secondary nodes in this case).

By regularly monitoring these metrics, you can get a good sense of your MongoDB replica set's health and performance, allowing you to identify and address any issues promptly.