
RStudio IDE User Guide

¶RStudio Panes


¶ Blank slate

When you quit R, do not save the workspace to an .Rdata file. When you launch, do not reload the workspace from an .Rdata file. Long-term reproducibility is enhanced when you turn this feature off and clear R’s memory at every restart. Starting with a blank slate provides timely feedback that encourages the development of scripts that are complete and self-contained.

In RStudio, set this via Tools > Global Options, making sure to clear “Restore .RData into Workspace at Startup” and choosing Never on the “Save workspace to .RData on exit”.


The .RData file is saved in your current working directory and contains all objects from your R environment.

You can choose not to save this file when quitting R by setting RStudio to "Never save" the workspace in Global Options > General. If you want a fresh, clean environment each time you open RStudio (a "blank slate"), select Never save in the settings.