! saved at 2023-04-28 11:08:55 ! model: ZyWALL 110 ! firmware version: 4.35(AAAA.3) ! language English ! hardware-watchdog-timer start ! software-watchdog-timer 60 ! interface-name ge1 wan1 interface-name ge2 wan2 interface-name ge3 opt interface-name ge4 lan1 interface-name ge5 lan2 interface-name ge6 lan3 interface-name ge7 dmz ! username admin encrypted-password $5$HhPrAIYl$7tf85phO$QaDfchzAiFp8vAOdvixCCwaWvDW5CBPAwzCP46nF3ufBXB/X3QXUj1VFfufnixejs+RU0iQ69FoPJtJgcmJ30ZyLlaHt40V+YHfDpRHgn4oqC/5egqaIwbYxtlDelniFVKzC6hNBIjiE7RX4wDjlSICcRD5Rd8Q9eVlIJWNI15QojXGL1WyaNaEDTPNvqcaiwGB2TUyh3i1nuXY3Dx+Tagehr9qURK/uuMGDyz5XLt6ozU9OH5cbwBS9EHx+occ2SNetqQrsLL6tu2OOC3hvZb0u5c5AQsGJeySOn/6aAQ8Ug//+S/kElS9q/LqtKKBPT5aEy7d4Bd3t7eCERgjD3jOvNXudGUGGMBAGb1IFxjM$ user-type admin username alexlai encrypted-password $5$eJrdbsaU$2hnuZz0I$4+cmuvMUXAQ2GY6LGlKnEyCROEq1pxstWNg7qNZ8ezfr4+Xf5T8gh6I2DDgMeIoatQx9abKHoG8nA0IdyyWwY8JFQRZfmR24GCbtFMkprfTX+w8IvypRmHbixurrbMK1FeHatuwwrSj8JdFsB295Me0bCrPhNvRsugQVfdRY4mtmPj3jI7cMYviqQScPTzP/4//DL+5gID7PnuZ9rBANqU3N61MF266XnD0BLpJBtfQBuKtk2gvGjvXyqlFqW9vFzCbT1fpgd9oIm6opIbSnWnIWuWvbag7bR/P1qM7GhX0Z4wiMRPGH7A4SWIi2axOwGV+Y3nH/8QBsHBTqMmgTS1K/wZ1citXDsnccf8uKM2g$ user-type user username alexlai description Local User username alexlai logon-time-setting default ! port-grouping lan1 port 4 port 5 ! port-grouping lan2 port 6 ! port-grouping lan3 port 3 ! port-grouping dmz port 7 ! port-grouping opt ! account pppoe WAN1_PPPoE_ACCOUNT ! account pppoe WAN2_PPPoE_ACCOUNT ! account pppoe OPT_PPPoE_ACCOUNT ! account pppoe chtsgpon user 75278415@hinet.net encrypted-password $4$DOsIwvem$SK3k7wQly2suRBO+zZEDVbTgK9DJIHAjvxKjHxRZp5WcMZcwRjpc7OxGpIZOIZPaZemKbmNzAmD/HQT6/sxxQELKQuTm7Do0U81P3j8jri8$ authentication chap-pap compression yes idle 0 ! account pppoe chtgponfixedip user 75278415@ip.hinet.net encrypted-password $4$hL9ah1lw$nPiosHUJ9obz9yzOSE+lKxfZvUIxRSFYSYgmnfW8kNYzC+6V988E0f9vTTPhDuhuK6kZ9EPrxy+jF3gjV2sQ/v8wvYq5Vl8e60m33qN5X9A$ authentication chap-pap compression yes idle 0 ! account pppoe chtgponfixedip_2 user 76858588@ip.hinet.net encrypted-password $4$8IzfHZCi$bmA4fPYFe0kTNeKQiSm+H9qi94HPFwOLkWE0D7J2UM81H3ZFqemD9FiwLRbKk6kd9r+BA37cxajG/7hQn0e00J90D5pj3NrQOSnQHxx2Pqw$ authentication chap-pap compression yes idle 0 ! ip dhcp pool LAN1_POOL network default-router first-dns-server starting-address pool-size 50 lease 2 0 0 second-dns-server third-dns-server ! ip dhcp pool DMZ_POOL network default-router starting-address pool-size 50 first-dns-server wan1_ppp 1st-dns lease 2 0 0 second-dns-server third-dns-server wan1_ppp 2nd-dns ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_F80F41AF2704 host hardware-address F8:0F:41:AF:27:04 description YuShei Wkst 01 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_F80F41A244DF host hardware-address F8:0F:41:A2:44:DF description YuShei Wkst 02 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_F80F41A243E2 host hardware-address F8:0F:41:A2:43:E2 description YuShei Wkst 03 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_F80F41A24429 host hardware-address F8:0F:41:A2:44:29 description YuShei Wkst 04 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_0018F3E569EC host hardware-address 00:18:F3:E5:69:EC description YuShei Wkst 05 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_10BF48371874 host hardware-address 10:BF:48:37:18:74 description Moriritu Asus NoteBook ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_D8CB8A1CE9A3 host hardware-address D8:CB:8A:1C:E9:A3 description YuShei Wkst 06 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_001E678B7110 host hardware-address 00:1E:67:8B:71:10 description YuShei Window Server 2012R2 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_00115B6ED734 host hardware-address 00:11:5B:6E:D7:34 description Public server Parking system server ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_080027C8A148 host hardware-address 08:00:27:C8:A1:48 description ubuntu_On_VM_turnkey_server ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_B827EB3CA034 host hardware-address B8:27:EB:3C:A0:34 description Alex Raspi Docker and Ruby ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_08626634D484 host hardware-address 08:62:66:34:D4:84 description Einvoice Turnkey Server ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_3417EBA307CC host hardware-address 34:17:EB:A3:07:CC description Cathie Kuo Dell Work Station ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_0022150039B7 host hardware-address 00:22:15:00:39:B7 description Alx Lai Works Station At 2nd Office ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_0018AE309C38 host hardware-address 00:18:AE:30:9C:38 description DVR_01 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_000E53309BD1 host hardware-address 00:0E:53:30:9B:D1 description DVR_02 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_0024019F4D42 host hardware-address 00:24:01:9F:4D:42 description Dlink DPR-1020 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_080037E69BF5 host hardware-address 08:00:37:E6:9B:F5 description Fuji_Xeroc DocuPrint M215fw ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_001132463CAD host hardware-address 00:11:32:46:3C:AD description Synology DS1515+_04 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_4C9EFF7FEC58 host hardware-address 4C:9E:FF:7F:EC:58 description Yushei GS1920-24 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_0013E211F362 host hardware-address 00:13:E2:11:F3:62 description Geo GV-BX1500 130MegPixel ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_0013E213CE88 host hardware-address 00:13:E2:13:CE:88 description Geo GV-BX1500 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_0013E210B320 host hardware-address 00:13:E2:10:B3:20 description Geo GV-BX1500 130MegPixel ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_0013E210B56B host hardware-address 00:13:E2:10:B5:6B description Geo GV-BX1500 130MegPixel ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_0013E210B77C host hardware-address 00:13:E2:10:B7:7C description Geo GV-BX1500 130MegPixel ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_F832E4739BBA host hardware-address F8:32:E4:73:9B:BA description YsUbuntu_Server ! ip dhcp pool Static_DMZ_78CA39FA44B7 host hardware-address 78:CA:39:FA:44:B7 description Airport Extreme ForApts Network ! ip dhcp pool Static_DMZ_0011324E228D host hardware-address 00:11:32:4E:22:8D description Synology DS1515+ ! ip dhcp pool Network_Pool_LAN2 network default-router starting-address pool-size 90 first-dns-server lease 3 0 0 second-dns-server third-dns-server ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_001E0630574F host hardware-address 00:1E:06:30:57:4F description archOdroidXU4 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN3_48EA63A0D106 host hardware-address 48:EA:63:A0:D1:06 description YuShei_NVR ! ip dhcp pool Network_Pool_LAN3 network default-router starting-address pool-size 50 first-dns-server second-dns-server lease infinite ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E06424831 host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:48:31 description ysmongo01-odroid-N2-16G ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E0642A522 host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:A5:22 description YuShei_FC_002 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E0635892F host hardware-address 00:1E:06:35:89:2F description oplog03-odoid-C2-32G ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E064515FB host hardware-address 00:1E:06:45:15:FB description H2-Nas-01 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_0013E22598EE host hardware-address 00:13:E2:25:98:EE description Geo:00:13:E2:25:98:92 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_107B4437546E host hardware-address 10:7B:44:37:54:6E description asuswkst ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_9CEBE8228AD1 host hardware-address 9C:EB:E8:22:8A:D1 description asuswkst01 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E0635892D host hardware-address 00:1E:06:35:89:2D description digger04 odroid-c4 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_001E06420FF2 host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:0F:F2 description APS TEST Environment ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_0C9D92BEE976 host hardware-address 0C:9D:92:BE:E9:76 description ubuntu2004 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_E0D55E48DB95 host hardware-address E0:D5:5E:48:DB:95 description ubuntu03 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_E0D55E48DA7C host hardware-address E0:D5:5E:48:DA:7C description digger03 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_E0D55E48DA13 host hardware-address E0:D5:5E:48:DA:13 description digger01 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN3_506255300352 host hardware-address 50:62:55:30:03:52 description YuShei_NVR_16Port ! ip dhcp pool 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host hardware-address E0:D5:5E:4D:03:5A description digger05 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_0C9D92BEE976 host hardware-address 0C:9D:92:BE:E9:76 description ubuntu2004 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN1_E0D55E48DA7C host hardware-address E0:D5:5E:48:DA:7C description digger03 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E06420F6D host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:0F:6D description Yushei_APS01 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E064220FE host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:20:FE description YuShei_APS002 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E0642A576 host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:A5:76 description YuShei_APS_001 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_E0D55E4E5967 host hardware-address E0:D5:5E:4E:59:67 description gigaMnJaro ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E06359D2C host hardware-address 00:1E:06:35:9D:2C description oplog02-odoid-c2-16G ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_B827EB7D5F4A host hardware-address B8:27:EB:7D:5F:4A description piNginx01 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E06359D25 host hardware-address 00:1E:06:35:9D:25 description inLaneGateOpenC2 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_04D9F5F84032 host hardware-address 04:D9:F5:F8:40:32 description redis_mongo_02 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E0642EF3F host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:EF:3F description redis_mongo_01 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E063711D7 host hardware-address 00:1E:06:37:11:D7 description yushie_out_get_open_c2 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_10BF48E284AB host hardware-address 10:BF:48:E2:84:AB description YuShei_MongoDB04 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E06420F49 host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:0F:49 description n2_makepkg ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_000EE30761B1 host hardware-address 00:0E:E3:07:61:B1 description chiyu_bf-1010_002 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_000EE30761AC host hardware-address 00:0E:E3:07:61:AC description chiyu_bf-1010_001 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E0642EF93 host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:EF:93 description ysmongo03_odroid_N2-16G ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E064856B7 host hardware-address 00:1E:06:48:56:B7 description 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GV-BX1500 130MegPixel ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E06424907 host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:49:07 description YuShei_FC_001 ! ip dhcp pool Static_LAN2_001E064220EA host hardware-address 00:1E:06:42:20:EA description YuShei_APS_002 ! interface wan1 ip address type external upstream 1048576 downstream 1048576 mtu 1500 ip gateway metric 0 ! interface wan2 ip address type external upstream 1048576 downstream 1048576 mtu 1500 ! interface lan1 ip address ip dhcp-pool LAN1_POOL type internal upstream 1048576 downstream 1048576 mtu 1500 igmp version 2 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_F80F41AF2704 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_F80F41A244DF ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_F80F41A243E2 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_F80F41A24429 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_0018F3E569EC ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_10BF48371874 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_D8CB8A1CE9A3 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_001E678B7110 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_00115B6ED734 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_080027C8A148 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_B827EB3CA034 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_08626634D484 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_3417EBA307CC ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_0022150039B7 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_0018AE309C38 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_000E53309BD1 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_0024019F4D42 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_080037E69BF5 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_001132463CAD ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_4C9EFF7FEC58 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_001E0630574F ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_001E06420FF2 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_E0D55E48DB95 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_E0D55E48DA13 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_E0D55E4E5967 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_E0D55E4D035A ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_0C9D92BEE976 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_E0D55E48DA7C ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_50EBF6C92DAB ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_50EBF6C92DC3 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN1_50EBF6C8E71E ! interface lan2 ip address type internal upstream 1048576 downstream 1048576 mtu 1500 igmp version 2 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_0013E211F362 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_0013E213CE88 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_0013E210B320 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_0013E210B56B ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_0013E210B77C ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_F832E4739BBA ip dhcp-pool Network_Pool_LAN2 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E06424831 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E0642A522 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E0635892F ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E064515FB ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_0013E22598EE ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_107B4437546E ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_9CEBE8228AD1 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E0635892D ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_0C9D92BEE976 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_E0D55E48DB95 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_E0D55E48DA7C ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_E0D55E48DA13 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_0800279052DC ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_00E04C605421 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_080027FA9440 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E063713B7 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E0645066D ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E06420F6D ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E064220FE ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E0642A576 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_E0D55E4E5967 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E06359D2C ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_B827EB7D5F4A ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E06359D25 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_04D9F5F84032 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E0642EF3F ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E063711D7 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_10BF48E284AB ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E06420F49 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_000EE30761B1 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_000EE30761AC ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E0642EF93 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E064856B7 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_50EBF6B95A06 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_9CEBE82CE245 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_0013E210B857 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E06424907 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN2_001E064220EA ! interface lan3 type internal ip address upstream 1048576 downstream 1048576 mtu 1500 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN3_48EA63A0D106 ip dhcp-pool Network_Pool_LAN3 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN3_506255300352 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN3_E4F14C165966 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN3_ACCC8E41141B ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN3_0013E2252FF4 ip dhcp-pool Static_LAN3_0013E2259892 ! interface dmz ip address ip dhcp-pool DMZ_POOL type internal upstream 1048576 downstream 1048576 mtu 1500 igmp version 2 ip dhcp-pool Static_DMZ_78CA39FA44B7 ip dhcp-pool Static_DMZ_0011324E228D ! interface wan1_ppp shutdown account chtgponfixedip bind wan1 description chtsgpon connectivity dial-on-demand metric 0 upstream 1048576 downstream 1048576 mtu 1492 ! interface wan2_ppp no shutdown account chtgponfixedip_2 bind wan2 description chtsgpon connectivity dial-on-demand metric 0 upstream 1048576 downstream 1048576 mtu 1492 ! interface opt_ppp account OPT_PPPoE_ACCOUNT ! address-object LAN1_SUBNET interface-subnet lan1 address-object LAN2_SUBNET interface-subnet lan2 address-object DMZ_SUBNET interface-subnet dmz address-object IP6to4-Relay address-object ANS1_HINET_NET address-object ANS2_HINET_NET address-object ChingYen_Branch_office address-object ChingyenLan-11 address-object ChingyenLprGateway_LOCAL address-object ChingyenLprGateway_REMOTE address-object DNS_HINET_NET address-object HTTP_Allow_Zone address-object LAN_ALL_Subnets address-object SSL_Address_Pool address-object SSL_Subnet_2 address-object Synology_DS1515_plus address-object WIZ_L2TP_VPN_IP_ADDRESS_POOL address-object WIZ_L2TP_VPN_LOCAL address-object WIZ_LAN_SUBNET interface-subnet wan1 address-object WIZ_VPN_LOCAL address-object WIZ_VPN_PROVISIONING_REMOTE address-object WIZ_VPN_PROVISIONING_LOCAL address-object WIZ_VPN_REMOTE address-object YsUbuntu_Server address-object YuSheiNas-03 address-object YuSheiNas_02 address-object YuSheiToMuneTaka_LOCAL address-object YuSheiToMuneTaka_REMOTE address-object YuSheiToMunetaka_LOCAL address-object YuSheiToMunetaka_REMOTE address-object YuShei_Fixed_IP address-object YuSheiTo_WuShun_LOCAL address-object YuSheiTo_WuShun_REMOTE address-object LAN3_SUBNET interface-subnet lan3 address-object lan2DNS address-object YuShei_EIP_Server address-object ubuntu2004 address-object digger01 address-object digger06 address-object pi2 address-object Test_Server_VPN_Local address-object Test_Server_VPN_Remote address-object GeoVision address-object Redis_Mongo_01 address-object Redis_Mongo_02 address-object Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 interface-ip wan1 ! address-object RFC1918_1 ! address-object RFC1918_2 ! address-object RFC1918_3 ! address6-object LAN1_SUBNET_STATIC interface-subnet lan1 static address6-object LAN1_SUBNET_SLAAC interface-subnet lan1 slaac 1 address6-object LAN1_SUBNET_DHCPv6 interface-subnet lan1 dhcpv6 1 address6-object LAN2_SUBNET_STATIC interface-subnet lan2 static address6-object LAN2_SUBNET_SLAAC interface-subnet lan2 slaac 1 address6-object LAN2_SUBNET_DHCPv6 interface-subnet lan2 dhcpv6 1 address6-object DMZ_SUBNET_STATIC interface-subnet dmz static address6-object DMZ_SUBNET_SLAAC interface-subnet dmz slaac 1 address6-object DMZ_SUBNET_DHCPv6 interface-subnet dmz dhcpv6 1 ! service-object Any_UDP udp range 1 65535 service-object Any_TCP tcp range 1 65535 service-object AH protocol 51 service-object AIM tcp eq 5190 service-object NEW_ICQ tcp eq 5190 service-object AUTH tcp eq 113 service-object BGP tcp eq 179 service-object BOOTP_CLIENT udp eq 68 service-object BOOTP_SERVER udp eq 67 service-object CAPWAP-CONTROL udp eq 5246 service-object CAPWAP-DATA udp eq 5247 service-object CU_SEEME_TCP1 tcp eq 7648 service-object CU_SEEME_TCP2 tcp eq 24032 service-object CU_SEEME_UDP1 udp eq 7648 service-object CU_SEEME_UDP2 udp eq 24032 service-object DNS_TCP_53 tcp eq 53 service-object DNS_UDP_53 udp eq 53 service-object ESP protocol 50 service-object FINGER tcp eq 79 service-object FTP_TCP_20_21 tcp range 20 21 service-object FTPS_TCP_990 tcp eq 990 service-object GRE protocol 47 service-object H323 tcp eq 1720 service-object HTTP_TCP_80 tcp eq 80 service-object HTTPS_TCP_443 tcp eq 443 service-object ICQ udp eq 4000 service-object IKE_UDP_500 udp eq 500 service-object IMAP4_TCP_143 tcp eq 143 service-object IMAP4S_TCP_993 tcp eq 993 service-object IP6to4 protocol 41 service-object IRC_TCP tcp eq 6667 service-object IRC_UDP udp eq 6667 service-object MSN tcp eq 1863 service-object MULTICAST protocol 2 service-object NEWS tcp eq 144 service-object NetBIOS_TCP1 tcp range 137 139 service-object NetBIOS_TCP2 tcp eq 445 service-object NetBIOS_UDP1 udp range 137 139 service-object NetBIOS_UDP2 udp eq 445 service-object NFS udp eq 2049 service-object NNTP_TCP_119 tcp eq 119 service-object NTP_UDP_123 udp eq 123 service-object PING icmp echo service-object POP3_TCP_110 tcp eq 110 service-object POP3S_TCP_995 tcp eq 995 service-object PPTP_TCP_1723 tcp eq 1723 service-object PPTP_TUNNEL protocol 47 service-object RCMD tcp eq 512 service-object RDP tcp eq 3389 service-object REAL-AUDIO tcp eq 7070 service-object REXEC tcp eq 514 service-object RLOGIN tcp eq 513 service-object ROADRUNNER_TCP tcp eq 1026 service-object ROADRUNNER_UDP udp eq 1026 service-object RTELNET tcp eq 107 service-object RTSP_TCP tcp eq 554 service-object RTSP_UDP udp eq 554 service-object SFTP tcp eq 115 service-object SMTP_TCP_25 tcp eq 25 service-object SMTPS tcp eq 465 service-object SNMP_TCP tcp eq 161 service-object SNMP_UDP udp eq 161 service-object SNMP-TRAPS_TCP tcp eq 162 service-object SNMP-TRAPS_UDP udp eq 162 service-object SQL-NET tcp eq 1521 service-object SSDP udp eq 1900 service-object SSH_TCP_22 tcp eq 22 service-object SSH_UDP_22 udp eq 22 service-object STRMWORKS udp eq 1558 service-object SYSLOG udp eq 514 service-object TACACS udp eq 49 service-object TELNET tcp eq 23 service-object TFTP udp eq 69 service-object VDOLIVE tcp eq 7000 service-object VRRP protocol 112 service-object NATT_UDP_4500 udp eq 4500 service-object RIP udp eq 520 service-object OSPF protocol 89 service-object SIP udp eq 5060 service-object Kerberos-TCP tcp eq 88 service-object MS-RPC tcp eq 135 service-object LDAP-TCP tcp eq 389 service-object LPR tcp eq 515 service-object LDAPS-TCP tcp eq 636 service-object VNC5800 tcp eq 5800 service-object VNC5900 tcp eq 5900 service-object Kerberos-UDP udp eq 88 service-object LDAP-UDP udp eq 389 service-object LDAPS-UDP udp eq 636 service-object L2TP-UDP_1701 udp eq 1701 service-object RADIUS-AUTH udp eq 1812 service-object RADIUS-ACCT udp eq 1813 service-object BONJOUR udp eq 5353 service-object ICMPv6_PTB icmpv6 packet-toobig service-object ICMPv6_RS icmpv6 router-solicitation service-object ICMPv6_RA icmpv6 router-advertisement service-object ICMPv6_NS icmpv6 neighbor-solicitation service-object ICMPv6_NA icmpv6 neighbor-advertisement service-object ICMPv6_MLD_Query icmpv6 130 service-object ICMPv6_MLD_Report icmpv6 131 service-object ICMPv6_MLD_Done icmpv6 132 service-object ICMPv6_MLD_v2 icmpv6 143 service-object DHCPv6_CLIENT udp eq 546 service-object DHCPv6_SERVER udp eq 547 service-object SSO tcp eq 2158 service-object AdminMongo-TCP-31234 tcp eq 31234 service-object DS1515_FTPS_990 tcp eq 990 service-object DS1515_FTP_20 tcp eq 20 service-object DS1515_FTP_21 tcp eq 21 service-object DS1515_SSH_1765 tcp eq 1765 service-object DS1515_Tomcat_7070 tcp eq 7070 service-object DS1515_Web_Login_43000 tcp eq 43000 service-object DS1515_Web_Login_43100 tcp eq 43100 service-object DS1515_Web_login_5000 tcp eq 5000 service-object DS1515_Web_login_Sec_5001 tcp eq 5001 service-object GitLab-TCP-30000 tcp eq 30000 service-object GitLab-TCP-30001 tcp eq 30001 service-object Http_Redirect_TCP_8080 tcp eq 8080 service-object MariaDb_3306 tcp eq 3306 service-object MongoDB-TCP-37017 tcp eq 37017 service-object MongoDB-TCP-38017 tcp eq 38017 service-object Odroid_8088 tcp eq 8088 service-object Odroid_C2_TCP_8089 tcp eq 8089 service-object SSH_TCP_23 tcp eq 23 service-object SSH_TCP_YsUbuntu_22 tcp eq 1122 service-object YuSheiNAS-02_8080 tcp eq 8080 service-object gitLab_TCP_30000 tcp eq 30000 service-object cockpit tcp range 9090 9090 service-object EthereumPort tcp range 9999 9999 service-object TCP_1766 tcp eq 1766 service-object USG_HTTPS tcp eq 4443 service-object HTTP_TCP_8088 tcp eq 8088 service-object TCP_1765 tcp eq 1765 service-object TCP_1767 tcp eq 1767 service-object Redis_Mongo_01_27017 tcp range 27017 27017 service-object Redis_Mongo_02_27018 tcp range 27018 27018 service-object Geovision_8554 tcp range 8554 8554 service-object Geovision_17300 udp range 17300 17300 ! object-group service CU-SEEME service-object CU_SEEME_TCP1 service-object CU_SEEME_TCP2 service-object CU_SEEME_UDP1 service-object CU_SEEME_UDP2 ! object-group service DNS service-object DNS_TCP_53 service-object DNS_UDP_53 ! object-group service IRC service-object IRC_TCP service-object IRC_UDP ! object-group service NetBIOS service-object NetBIOS_TCP1 service-object NetBIOS_TCP2 service-object NetBIOS_UDP1 service-object NetBIOS_UDP2 ! object-group service ROADRUNNER service-object ROADRUNNER_TCP service-object ROADRUNNER_UDP ! object-group service RTSP service-object RTSP_TCP service-object RTSP_UDP ! object-group service SNMP service-object SNMP_TCP service-object SNMP_UDP ! object-group service SNMP-TRAPS service-object SNMP-TRAPS_TCP service-object SNMP-TRAPS_UDP ! object-group service SSH service-object SSH_TCP_22 service-object SSH_UDP_22 ! object-group service Default_Allow_ICMPv6_Group description Default Allow icmpv6 to ZyWALL service-object ICMPv6_MLD_Done service-object ICMPv6_MLD_Query service-object ICMPv6_MLD_Report service-object ICMPv6_MLD_v2 service-object ICMPv6_NA service-object ICMPv6_NS service-object ICMPv6_RA service-object ICMPv6_RS service-object ICMPv6_PTB ! object-group service Default_Allow_WAN_To_ZyWALL description System Default Allow From WAN To ZyWALL service-object AH service-object ESP service-object IKE_UDP_500 service-object NATT_UDP_4500 service-object GRE service-object VRRP service-object USG_HTTPS service-object HTTP_TCP_8088 ! object-group service Default_Allow_DMZ_To_ZyWALL description System Default Allow From DMZ To ZyWALL object-group DNS object-group NetBIOS service-object SSO ! object-group service Default_Allow_v6_WAN_To_ZyWALL service-object AH service-object ESP service-object HTTPS_TCP_443 service-object IKE_UDP_500 service-object VRRP service-object GRE description System Default Allow IPv6 Form WAN To ZyWALL ! object-group service Default_Allow_v6_DMZ_To_ZyWALL description System Default Allow IPv6 From DMZ to ZyWALL object-group DNS object-group NetBIOS ! object-group service DHCPv6 service-object DHCPv6_CLIENT service-object DHCPv6_SERVER ! object-group service Default_Allow_v6_any_to_ZyWALL description System Default Allow IPv6 From any To ZyWALL object-group Default_Allow_ICMPv6_Group ! object-group service DMZ_To_Zywall_Services description DMZ To Zywall service-object HTTPS_TCP_443 service-object PING object-group Default_Allow_DMZ_To_ZyWALL ! object-group service DS1515_Allowed_TCP_Ports description DS1515 Allowed TCP Ports service-object DNS_TCP_53 service-object DNS_UDP_53 service-object DS1515_Tomcat_7070 service-object DS1515_Web_login_5000 service-object DS1515_Web_login_Sec_5001 service-object FTPS_TCP_990 service-object FTP_TCP_20_21 service-object HTTPS_TCP_443 service-object HTTP_TCP_80 service-object IKE_UDP_500 service-object L2TP-UDP_1701 service-object MariaDb_3306 service-object NATT_UDP_4500 service-object SSH_TCP_22 service-object SSH_UDP_22 service-object TCP_1767 ! object-group service DS1515_Server_Service description DS1515 Server Service service-object DNS_TCP_53 service-object DNS_UDP_53 service-object DS1515_SSH_1765 service-object DS1515_Web_Login_43000 service-object DS1515_Web_Login_43100 service-object DS1515_Web_login_5000 service-object DS1515_Web_login_Sec_5001 service-object FTPS_TCP_990 service-object FTP_TCP_20_21 service-object IMAP4S_TCP_993 service-object IMAP4_TCP_143 service-object MariaDb_3306 service-object POP3S_TCP_995 service-object POP3_TCP_110 service-object SMTP_TCP_25 service-object SSH_TCP_22 service-object SSH_UDP_22 service-object HTTP_TCP_80 ! object-group service IPSec_Ports description IPSec should be opened Ports service-object IKE_UDP_500 service-object L2TP-UDP_1701 service-object NATT_UDP_4500 ! object-group service NTC_TCP_UDP description Allow NTP server to go through service-object NNTP_TCP_119 service-object NTP_UDP_123 ! object-group service YuShei_EIP_Server_Service description YuShei EIP Server Service service-object HTTP_TCP_80 service-object SSH_TCP_22 service-object DNS_TCP_53 service-object DNS_UDP_53 service-object FTPS_TCP_990 service-object FTP_TCP_20_21 service-object IMAP4S_TCP_993 service-object IMAP4_TCP_143 service-object POP3S_TCP_995 service-object POP3_TCP_110 service-object SSH_UDP_22 ! object-group service pi2-allowed-service description pi2 allowed service service-object HTTPS_TCP_443 service-object TCP_1765 ! object-group service Geovision_Ports service-object Geovision_8554 service-object Geovision_17300 ! application-object Instant_messaging description Built-in App Object application 257 application 258 application 259 application 260 application 261 application 263 application 513 application 514 application 515 application 516 application 518 application 769 application 770 application 771 application 772 application 775 application 1025 application 1027 application 1537 application 1539 application 1543 application 1793 application 2049 application 2050 application 2051 application 2052 application 2305 application 2308 application 2561 application 3329 application 3585 application 4609 application 4611 application 4612 application 5377 application 5633 application 6145 application 7425 application 8705 application 8961 application 9217 application 9473 application 10497 application 10753 application 11265 application 12295 application 12551 application 12807 application 13063 application 14849 application 15106 application 15873 application 17409 application 26881 application 26883 ! application-object P2P description Built-in App Object application 16777731 application 16777734 application 16777735 application 16778243 application 16778246 application 16778247 application 16778753 application 16778754 application 16778758 application 16778759 application 16779010 application 16779011 application 16779266 application 16779267 application 16779271 application 16779778 application 16780038 application 16780039 application 16780545 application 16780550 application 16780551 application 16780801 application 16780803 application 16780806 application 16781062 application 16781319 application 16781571 application 16781574 application 16781575 application 16781825 application 16781827 application 16781828 application 16782598 application 16784129 application 16784647 application 16784897 application 16786950 application 16786951 application 16787202 application 16787719 application 16787974 application 16788484 application 16788486 application 16788998 application 16789507 application 16789510 application 16790278 application 16790529 application 16790534 application 16791046 application 16793094 application 16793606 application 16794630 application 16795906 application 16795910 application 16796678 application 16797959 application 16798982 application 16799238 application 16801286 application 16802054 application 16802310 application 16802566 application 16802822 application 16805894 application 16806151 application 16814343 application 16814599 application 16815362 ! application-object File_Transfer description Built-in App Object application 50331905 application 50331906 application 50331907 application 50331910 application 50331911 application 50332163 application 50332931 application 50334465 application 50334467 application 50334470 application 50334721 application 50334723 application 50334726 application 50335233 application 50335235 application 50335238 application 50335494 application 50335745 application 50335750 application 50336513 application 50336515 application 50336518 application 50337030 application 50338305 application 50340102 application 50340353 application 50340355 application 50340358 application 50340865 application 50340867 application 50340870 application 50341121 application 50341123 application 50341126 application 50341638 application 50342401 application 50342403 application 50342406 application 50343169 application 50343171 application 50343174 application 50343681 application 50343686 application 50343937 application 50343942 application 50344455 application 50344711 application 50344967 application 50345223 application 50345479 application 50345735 application 50345991 application 50346247 application 50346503 application 50346759 application 50347015 application 50347267 application 50347527 application 50347783 application 50349057 application 50349319 application 50350086 application 50350337 application 50350339 application 50350342 application 50350854 application 50351105 application 50351110 application 50352385 application 50352390 application 50353153 application 50353158 application 50353409 application 50353414 application 50353665 application 50353667 application 50353670 application 50353921 application 50353923 application 50353926 application 50370049 application 50370561 application 50370566 application 50370817 application 50370822 ! application-object Streaming_Media description Built-in App Object application 67109124 application 67109377 application 67109379 application 67109380 application 67109382 application 67110401 application 67110403 application 67110404 application 67110406 application 67110657 application 67110659 application 67110660 application 67110662 application 67111425 application 67111428 application 67111430 application 67111687 application 67112193 application 67112195 application 67112196 application 67112198 application 67112961 application 67112964 application 67112966 application 67115009 application 67115012 application 67115777 application 67115780 application 67115782 application 67116292 application 67116294 application 67116548 application 67116550 application 67116801 application 67116804 application 67116806 application 67117062 application 67117825 application 67117828 application 67117830 application 67118854 application 67119110 application 67119361 application 67119366 application 67119878 application 67120641 application 67120643 application 67120644 application 67120646 application 67120897 application 67120900 application 67120902 application 67121153 application 67121155 application 67121156 application 67121158 application 67122177 application 67122182 application 67122433 application 67122436 application 67122438 application 67122689 application 67122691 application 67122692 application 67122694 application 67123201 application 67123206 application 67124228 application 67124230 application 67124231 application 67125508 application 67125764 application 67126020 application 67127558 application 67131908 application 67134721 application 67134724 application 67134726 application 67135238 application 67135239 application 67136001 application 67136006 application 67137028 application 67137030 application 67137539 application 67137540 application 67137542 application 67138820 application 67139331 application 67140612 application 67140614 application 67141377 application 67141382 application 67142145 application 67142147 application 67142148 application 67142150 application 67142401 application 67142403 application 67142404 application 67142406 application 67142657 application 67142660 application 67142662 application 67142918 application 67143172 application 67143174 application 67143686 application 67143937 application 67143940 application 67143942 application 67144708 application 67144961 application 67144964 application 67144966 application 67145220 application 67147521 application 67147524 application 67147526 application 67148289 application 67148294 application 67149315 application 67157254 application 67157510 ! application-object Mail_and_Collaboration description Built-in App Object application 83886342 application 83886343 application 83886593 application 83886594 application 83886599 application 83886855 application 83887110 application 83887111 application 83889665 application 83889667 application 83889670 application 83890177 application 83890433 application 83890694 application 83890945 application 83891201 application 83891457 application 83891713 application 83891969 application 83892230 application 83892481 application 83892737 application 83892993 application 83893249 application 83894017 application 83894534 application 83894785 application 83894790 application 83895041 application 83895297 application 83895553 application 83895809 application 83896321 application 83896833 application 83897089 application 83897095 application 83897607 application 83897863 application 83898119 application 83898375 application 83898631 application 83898887 application 83899143 application 83899393 application 83899655 application 83900167 application 83900423 application 83900679 application 83900935 application 83901191 application 83901447 application 83901703 application 83901953 application 83901958 application 83902209 application 83902465 application 83902470 application 83902721 application 83902977 application 83902982 application 83903495 application 83903750 application 83904257 application 83906563 application 83906566 application 83906817 application 83909121 application 83910145 application 83910147 application 83910150 application 83910401 application 83910662 application 83911169 application 83911174 application 83911425 application 83911430 application 83911681 application 83912449 application 83912454 application 83912705 application 83913219 application 83913222 application 83913473 ! application-object Voice_over_IP description Built-in App Object application 100663553 application 100663556 application 100663559 application 100663812 application 100663814 application 100664322 application 100665089 application 100665601 application 100665857 application 100666119 application 100666370 application 100666372 application 100666374 application 100666626 application 100666630 application 100666886 application 100667137 application 100667138 application 100667394 application 100667908 application 100667910 application 100668929 application 100669953 ! application-object Database description Built-in App Object application 117440774 application 117440775 application 117441031 application 117441281 application 117441286 application 117441287 application 117441542 application 117441543 application 117441799 application 117442561 application 117442817 application 117443079 application 117443335 application 117443591 application 117443847 application 117444353 ! application-object Games description Built-in App Object application 134219009 application 134220801 application 134221057 application 134221313 application 134221569 application 134221830 application 134222593 application 134222598 application 134222599 application 134222849 application 134223361 application 134223362 application 134223366 application 134227207 application 134228225 application 134228737 application 134233606 application 134235137 application 134235142 application 134237958 application 134238983 application 134239751 application 134240007 application 134241287 application 134241799 application 134242567 application 134243079 application 134244615 application 134245639 application 134246145 application 134246150 application 134249729 application 134249734 application 134252289 application 134253569 application 134253574 application 134253825 application 134254081 application 134257665 application 134280449 ! application-object Network_Management description Built-in App Object application 150995207 application 150995463 application 150996230 application 150996231 application 151002631 application 151002887 application 151003143 application 151003399 application 151003655 application 151003911 application 151004167 application 151004423 application 151004679 application 151004935 application 151005191 application 151005447 application 151005959 application 151006215 application 151006471 application 151006727 application 151006983 application 151007239 application 151007495 application 151007751 application 151008007 application 151008263 application 151008519 application 151008775 application 151009031 application 151009287 application 151009543 application 151009799 application 151010055 application 151010311 application 151010563 application 151010566 application 151010567 application 151010823 application 151011591 application 151011846 application 151011847 application 151012103 application 151012359 application 151012615 application 151012871 application 151013127 application 151013383 application 151013639 application 151013895 application 151014151 application 151014407 application 151014663 application 151014919 application 151015175 application 151015431 application 151015687 application 151015943 application 151016199 application 151016455 application 151016711 application 151017223 application 151017479 application 151017735 application 151017991 application 151018247 application 151018502 application 151018759 application 151019015 application 151019271 application 151019527 application 151019783 application 151020039 application 151020295 application 151020551 application 151020807 application 151021063 application 151021319 application 151021575 application 151021831 application 151022087 application 151022855 application 151023110 application 151023111 application 151023367 application 151025158 application 151025159 application 151025415 application 151025927 application 151026183 application 151026439 application 151026695 application 151060487 application 151060743 application 151060999 application 151061255 application 151061511 application 151061767 application 151062023 application 151062279 application 151062791 application 151063047 application 151063303 application 151063559 application 151063815 application 151064071 application 151064327 application 151064583 application 151064839 application 151065095 application 151065351 application 151065607 application 151065863 application 151066119 application 151066375 application 151066631 application 151066887 application 151067143 application 151067399 application 151067655 application 151067911 application 151068167 application 151068423 application 151068679 application 151068935 application 151069191 application 151069447 application 151069703 application 151069959 application 151070215 application 151070471 application 151070727 application 151070983 application 151071239 application 151071495 application 151071751 application 151072007 application 151072263 application 151072519 application 151072775 application 151073031 application 151073287 application 151073543 application 151073799 application 151074055 application 151074311 application 151074567 application 151074823 application 151075079 application 151075335 application 151075591 application 151075847 application 151076103 application 151076359 application 151076615 application 151076871 application 151077127 application 151077383 application 151077639 application 151077895 application 151078151 application 151078407 application 151078663 application 151079175 application 151079431 application 151079687 application 151079943 application 151080199 application 151080455 application 151080711 application 151080967 application 151081223 application 151081479 application 151081735 application 151081991 application 151082247 application 151082503 application 151082759 application 151083015 application 151083271 application 151083527 application 151083783 application 151084039 application 151084295 application 151084551 application 151084807 application 151085063 application 151085319 application 151085575 application 151085831 application 151086087 application 151086343 application 151086599 application 151086855 application 151087111 application 151087367 application 151087623 application 151087879 application 151088135 application 151088391 application 151088647 application 151088903 application 151089159 application 151089415 application 151089671 application 151089927 application 151090183 application 151090439 application 151090695 application 151090951 application 151091207 application 151091463 application 151091719 application 151091975 application 151092231 application 151092487 application 151092743 application 151092999 application 151093255 application 151093511 application 151093767 application 151094023 application 151094279 application 151094535 application 151094791 application 151095047 application 151095303 application 151095559 application 151096071 application 151096327 application 151096583 application 151096839 application 151097095 application 151097351 application 151097607 application 151097863 application 151098119 application 151098375 application 151098631 application 151098887 application 151099143 application 151099399 application 151099655 application 151099911 application 151100167 application 151100423 application 151101447 application 151101703 application 151101959 application 151102215 application 151102471 application 151102983 application 151103239 application 151103495 application 151104007 application 151104263 application 151104519 application 151104775 application 151105031 application 151105287 application 151105543 application 151105799 application 151106055 application 151106311 application 151106567 application 151106823 application 151107079 application 151107335 application 151107591 application 151107847 application 151108103 application 151108359 application 151108615 application 151108871 application 151109127 application 151109383 application 151109639 application 151109895 application 151110151 application 151110407 application 151110663 application 151110919 application 151111175 application 151111431 application 151111687 application 151111943 application 151112199 application 151112455 application 151112711 application 151112967 application 151113223 application 151113479 application 151113735 application 151113991 application 151114247 application 151114503 application 151114759 application 151115015 application 151115271 application 151115527 application 151115783 application 151116039 application 151116295 application 151116551 application 151116807 application 151117063 application 151117319 application 151117575 application 151117831 application 151118087 application 151118343 application 151118599 application 151118855 application 151119111 application 151119367 application 151119623 application 151119879 application 151120135 application 151120391 application 151120647 application 151120903 application 151121415 application 151121671 application 151121927 application 151122183 application 151122439 application 151122695 application 151122951 application 151123207 application 151123463 application 151123719 application 151123975 application 151124487 application 151150343 application 151156231 ! application-object Remote_Access_Terminals description Built-in App Object application 167772417 application 167772422 application 167772423 application 167772674 application 167772930 application 167772934 application 167773186 application 167773697 application 167774465 application 167774470 application 167774721 application 167774726 application 167774978 application 167775233 application 167775490 application 167775494 application 167775751 application 167776001 application 167776006 application 167776769 application 167776770 application 167776775 application 167777025 application 167777537 application 167777543 application 167777799 application 167778055 application 167778311 application 167778567 application 167778823 application 167779079 application 167779335 application 167779591 application 167779847 application 167780103 application 167780359 application 167780615 application 167780871 application 167781121 application 167781895 application 167783169 ! application-object Bypass_Proxies_and_Tunnels description Built-in App Object application 184549889 application 184550150 application 184550151 application 184550407 application 184550657 application 184550913 application 184550919 application 184551174 application 184551681 application 184551686 application 184551937 application 184552705 application 184552710 application 184553991 application 184554759 application 184555015 application 184555271 application 184555527 application 184555782 application 184555783 application 184556039 application 184556807 application 184557063 application 184557575 application 184558081 application 184558343 application 184558599 application 184558855 application 184559623 application 184559879 application 184560135 application 184562695 application 184563206 application 184563462 application 184563463 application 184563719 application 184565506 application 184565761 application 184565766 application 184566018 application 184566530 application 184566786 application 184571654 application 184571910 ! application-object Web description Built-in App Object application 218105862 application 218106118 application 218106374 application 218106625 application 218106630 application 218106886 application 218107142 application 218107398 application 218107654 application 218107910 application 218109190 application 218110977 application 218110982 application 218113542 application 218125830 application 218129923 application 218131971 application 218134534 application 218145281 application 218145537 application 218145542 application 218145798 application 218146049 application 218146054 application 218155014 application 218156038 application 218156545 application 218156550 application 218157062 application 218157313 application 218157318 application 218159366 application 218160390 application 218160646 application 218160647 application 218161926 application 218162182 application 218162945 application 218162950 application 218163206 application 218163462 application 218163718 application 218166790 ! application-object Security_Update description Built-in App Object application 234883331 application 234883587 application 234883843 application 234884099 application 234884611 application 234884867 application 234885123 application 234885379 application 234885635 application 234885891 application 234886147 application 234886403 application 234886659 application 234886915 application 234887171 application 234887427 application 234887683 application 234887939 application 234888451 application 234888707 application 234888963 application 234889219 application 234889731 ! application-object Web_IM description Built-in App Object application 251659009 application 251659014 application 251659265 application 251659270 application 251660033 application 251660038 application 251660801 application 251660806 application 251661057 application 251661825 application 251661826 application 251662593 application 251662849 application 251662854 application 251665665 application 251665921 ! application-object Business description Built-in App Object application 285212935 application 285213191 application 285213447 application 285213703 application 285213959 application 285214726 application 285214983 application 285215239 application 285215495 application 285215745 application 285215750 application 285215751 application 285216001 application 285216006 application 285216007 application 285216263 application 285216519 application 285216774 application 285217030 application 285217287 application 285217799 application 285218567 application 285218823 application 285219079 application 285219334 application 285219591 application 285219846 application 285219847 application 285220615 application 285221127 application 285221383 application 285221639 application 285221895 application 285222151 application 285222662 application 285223175 application 285223431 application 285223687 application 285223943 application 285224199 application 285224711 application 285225735 application 285225991 application 285226247 application 285226758 application 285227270 application 285227526 application 285227783 application 285228295 application 285228807 application 285229319 application 285229575 application 285230087 application 285230343 application 285230855 application 285231874 application 285231879 application 285232391 application 285232647 application 285233159 application 285233415 application 285233671 application 285233927 application 285234183 application 285234439 application 285234695 application 285234951 application 285235975 application 285236231 application 285236487 application 285236743 application 285237255 application 285237511 application 285237767 application 285238023 application 285238534 application 285238791 application 285239047 application 285239559 application 285239815 application 285240071 application 285240327 application 285240583 application 285241095 application 285241351 application 285241607 application 285242119 application 285242375 application 285242630 application 285242887 application 285243655 application 285243911 application 285244423 application 285244679 application 285244934 application 285245703 application 285246727 application 285246982 application 285247239 application 285247751 application 285248007 application 285248519 application 285249031 application 285249543 application 285249799 application 285250055 application 285250311 application 285250567 application 285250823 application 285251079 application 285251335 application 285251591 application 285251847 application 285252103 application 285252359 application 285252615 application 285252870 application 285253127 application 285253383 application 285253638 application 285254663 application 285255175 application 285255943 application 285256199 application 285256455 application 285256711 application 285256967 application 285258247 application 285258503 application 285258759 application 285259015 application 285259271 application 285259527 application 285259783 application 285260039 application 285260295 application 285260551 application 285261063 application 285261319 application 285261575 application 285261831 application 285262087 application 285262343 application 285262599 application 285262850 application 285264135 application 285264391 application 285264647 application 285264903 application 285265159 application 285265671 application 285266438 application 285266439 application 285266695 application 285266951 application 285267207 application 285267719 application 285267975 application 285268231 application 285268487 application 285268999 application 285269255 application 285270535 application 285271041 application 285271046 application 285271303 application 285271814 application 285272071 application 285272327 application 285272583 application 285273095 application 285273351 application 285274113 application 285274375 application 285274631 application 285275143 application 285275399 application 285275655 application 285277191 application 285277446 application 285277959 application 285280775 application 285281799 application 285282311 application 285282567 application 285283079 application 285283335 application 285283591 application 285283847 application 285284103 application 285284359 application 285284615 application 285284871 application 285285127 ! application-object Network_Protocols description Built-in App Object application 302131462 application 302163713 application 302163969 application 302164225 application 302164481 application 302164486 application 302164742 application 302165254 application 302165510 application 302165766 application 302166022 application 302166279 application 302167303 application 302167553 application 302167815 application 302168327 application 302168833 application 302169089 application 302169345 ! application-object Mobile description Built-in App Object application 352334337 ! application-object Private_Protocol description Built-in App Object application 385876227 application 385876482 application 385876483 application 385876486 application 385877249 ! application-object Social_Network description Built-in App Object application 402653441 application 402653446 application 402653953 application 402653958 application 402654211 application 402654214 application 402654721 application 402654726 application 402654977 application 402654982 application 402655233 application 402655238 application 402655489 application 402655494 application 402655745 application 402655750 application 402656001 application 402656006 application 402656257 application 402657537 application 402657542 application 402657793 application 402657798 application 402658305 application 402658310 application 402658561 application 402661889 application 402661894 application 402668033 application 402681601 application 402681862 application 402682113 application 402682118 application 402682369 application 402682374 application 402682881 application 402682886 application 402683654 application 402684161 application 402684673 application 402684678 application 402685185 application 402685190 application 402685441 application 402685446 application 402687489 application 402687494 application 402687745 application 402687750 application 402688001 application 402688006 application 402689025 application 402689030 application 402689281 application 402689286 application 402689537 application 402689542 application 402689793 application 402689798 application 402690049 application 402690054 application 402690305 application 402690310 application 402690561 application 402690566 application 402690817 application 402690822 application 402691585 application 402691590 application 402691841 application 402691846 application 402692097 application 402692102 application 402693633 application 402693635 application 402693638 application 402696449 application 402696454 ! zymesh-profile ZyMesh_AP ssid ZyMesh_ap psk 12345678 ! wlan-security-profile default mode none ! wlan-ssid-profile default ssid ZyXEL qos wmm security default bandselect mode disable ! wlan-monitor-profile default activate scan-method auto scan-dwell 100 ! wlan-radio-profile default dcs time-interval 720 dcs sensitivity-level high dcs client-aware enable dcs dcs-2g-method auto dcs channel-deployment 3-channel dcs dcs-5g-method auto dcs dfs-aware enable activate role ap band 2.4G band-mode bgn 2g-channel 6 ch-width 20 dtim-period 2 beacon-interval 100 ampdu limit-ampdu 50000 rssi-dbm -76 rssi-kickout -90 rssi-interval 2 rssi-optype 3 rssi-retrycount 6 rssi-verifytime 10 rssi-privilegetime 300 subframe-ampdu 32 amsdu limit-amsdu 4096 block-ack guard-interval short tx-mask 7 rx-mask 7 ! wlan-radio-profile default2 dcs time-interval 720 dcs sensitivity-level high dcs client-aware enable dcs dcs-2g-method auto dcs channel-deployment 3-channel dcs dcs-5g-method auto dcs dfs-aware enable activate role ap band 5G band-mode an 2g-channel 6 ch-width 20/40 dtim-period 2 beacon-interval 100 ampdu limit-ampdu 50000 rssi-dbm -76 rssi-kickout -90 rssi-interval 2 rssi-optype 3 rssi-retrycount 6 rssi-verifytime 10 rssi-privilegetime 300 subframe-ampdu 32 amsdu limit-amsdu 4096 block-ack guard-interval short tx-mask 7 rx-mask 7 ! wlan-radio-profile Disabled-2G band 2.4G band-mode bgn ! wlan-radio-profile Disabled-5G band 5G band-mode an ch-width 20/40 ! ap-group-profile default slot1 ap-profile default slot2 ap-profile default2 lan-provision model nwa5123-ac-hd lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model nwa5123-ac-hd vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model nwa5301-nj lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model nwa5301-nj lan2 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model nwa5301-nj lan3 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model nwa5301-nj vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan2 untag lan3 untag lan-provision model wac5302d-s lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac5302d-s lan2 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac5302d-s lan3 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac5302d-s vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan2 untag lan3 untag lan-provision model wac6103d-i lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6103d-i vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6303d-s lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6303d-s vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6502d-e lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6502d-e vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6502d-s lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6502d-s vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6503d-s lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6503d-s vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6553d-e lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6553d-e vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6552d-s lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6552d-s vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag load-balancing mode station load-balancing max sta 10 load-balancing traffic level high load-balancing alpha 5 load-balancing beta 10 load-balancing sigma 60 load-balancing timeout 20 load-balancing liInterval 10 load-balancing kickInterval 20 slot1 ssid-profile 1 default slot2 ssid-profile 1 default no load-balancing activate no load-balancing kickout ! ap-group-profile Unclassified slot1 ap-profile Disabled-2G slot2 ap-profile Disabled-5G lan-provision model nwa5123-ac-hd lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model nwa5123-ac-hd vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model nwa5301-nj lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model nwa5301-nj lan2 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model nwa5301-nj lan3 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model nwa5301-nj vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan2 untag lan3 untag lan-provision model wac5302d-s lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac5302d-s lan2 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac5302d-s lan3 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac5302d-s vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan2 untag lan3 untag lan-provision model wac6103d-i lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6103d-i vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6303d-s lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6303d-s vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6502d-e lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6502d-e vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6502d-s lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6502d-s vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6503d-s lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6503d-s vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6553d-e lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6553d-e vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag lan-provision model wac6552d-s lan1 activate pvid 1 lan-provision model wac6552d-s vlan0 activate vid 1 join lan1 untag load-balancing mode station load-balancing max sta 10 load-balancing traffic level high load-balancing alpha 5 load-balancing beta 10 load-balancing sigma 60 load-balancing timeout 20 load-balancing liInterval 10 load-balancing kickInterval 20 slot1 ssid-profile 1 default slot2 ssid-profile 1 default no load-balancing activate no load-balancing kickout ! ap-group first-priority default ! rogue-ap detection activate ! rogue-ap containment no activate ! no auto-healing activate auto-healing healing-interval 10 auto-healing power-threshold -70 auto-healing healing-threshold -85 auto-healing margin 2 auto-healing healing-margin 10 ! capwap manual-add enable capwap ap fallback disable capwap ap fallback interval 30 ! sslvpn application SSL_WebLink server-type weblink url https://yushei.me no webpage-encrypt ! sslvpn application YS_MS_Server_2013 server-type file-sharing share-path \\\d no webpage-encrypt ! isakmp policy WIZ_VPN peer-ip local-ip interface wan1_ppp authentication pre-share encrypted-keystring $4$zw0rcxd1$Y5jfCBrHtB9iMgS7ddWwuYAKN4p/WlhKvzgbbT250mZLnvjDxzAyB0Av5ONWhcAQqjxhC9iyjHe1QucAaum54l6fGg7qK005Rxt76Mnhtpw$ mode main transform-set des-md5 group1 lifetime 86400 dpd-interval 30 xauth type server default deactivate peer-id type ip ! isakmp policy WIZ_VPN_PROVISIONING activate local-ip interface wan1_ppp peer-ip authentication pre-share encrypted-keystring $4$.Ml.ZU8G$eTq0mENb5d7c9VfUhPUiM9s6p9qALJ2kHjrQ1K8KBe/VyeFjnyCLXd6PdsyZgYuEFLAyVaWBtI1+uF4UZ0y3VhoJkkw4b7rW8w7aJ7OftQs$ local-id type ip peer-id type any fall-back-check-interval 300 lifetime 86400 group2 transform-set aes128-sha 3des-sha aes256-sha mode aggressive dpd-interval 30 xauth type server default ! isakmp policy WIZ_L2TP_VPN activate local-ip interface wan1_ppp peer-ip authentication pre-share encrypted-keystring $4$7UIGQ6pz$tyN0XJE+OMQHzXqLjXTQa0hNbebFICOZwPm560EXIFNgpzDu8AHJI+kPGbv2DggFVX9V856m5BIovPdzUHXEGsxRUzsPTHhZERCY78QH1sI$ local-id type ip peer-id type any fall-back-check-interval 300 lifetime 86400 group2 transform-set 3des-sha aes128-sha des-sha mode aggressive dpd-interval 30 xauth type server default ! ikev2 policy YuSheiTo_Munetaka_IKEv2 activate local-ip interface wan1 peer-ip authentication pre-share encrypted-keystring $4$IPKjz0sN$TZUOFWNaI0tyfjOOFIhfjpYig9AXVInIqcZKtxq7zVaASi0zSUBQxCVPWzfJeOel5hS+AFM05QLox9IojNBKMJhj90tRTt55F1cVCYrJlXU$ local-id type ip peer-id type any fall-back-check-interval 300 lifetime 86400 group2 transform-set aes128-sha dpd-interval 30 ! ikev2 policy YuShei_Lan3_ToWuShun activate local-ip interface wan1 peer-ip authentication pre-share encrypted-keystring $4$GqPONhdk$reSYLdx6RujYx5/cmjN2jE9SmYrdz61PbCXGy2rY8EsKtHHAaTQfyKZz24k952pjyd7K3OF7x0LoFALKAdel1wg5eSfnA80mCQt4H3hPlXw$ local-id type ip peer-id type any fall-back-check-interval 300 lifetime 86400 group2 transform-set aes128-sha dpd-interval 30 ! isakmp policy Test_Server_VPN activate local-ip interface wan1 peer-ip authentication pre-share encrypted-keystring $4$sNqBBCFt$5bv1LZOQOy5txJ4754VuHUDX41at0U5kQZ4bcWDP9B3T02I/PXutzfs13VkB7swoV3ZrAQQl3FbLSuBAGioupQQkJjOYTF9IBPr+WseuQrs$ local-id type ip peer-id type any fall-back-check-interval 300 lifetime 86400 group2 transform-set aes128-sha mode main dpd-interval 30 ! isakmp policy New_YS_To_Chingyen_IDEv1 activate local-ip interface wan1 peer-ip authentication pre-share encrypted-keystring $4$mCClo8lW$1bb+5ntpfmeRh6nhPP2mDIHfbJOoEGIdYN/fm1kX/YUnqQKSrqj+RdbcRtDjDrb02rIslFxNRBdg8VCU327W+8oVX4RvUoGhDilw3ZTLp+I$ local-id type ip peer-id type any fall-back-check-interval 300 lifetime 86400 group2 transform-set aes128-sha mode main dpd-interval 30 ! crypto map ChingYen_Branch_Connection activate adjust-mss auto ipsec-isakmp New_YS_To_Chingyen_IDEv1 scenario site-to-site-static encapsulation tunnel transform-set esp-des-sha set security-association lifetime seconds 86400 set pfs group2 local-policy LAN1_SUBNET remote-policy ChingYen_Branch_office no conn-check activate nail-up ! crypto map YuSheiToMunetaka activate adjust-mss auto ipsec-isakmp YuSheiTo_Munetaka_IKEv2 scenario site-to-site-static encapsulation tunnel transform-set esp-aes128-sha set security-association lifetime seconds 28800 set pfs group2 local-policy YuSheiToMuneTaka_LOCAL remote-policy YuSheiToMuneTaka_REMOTE no conn-check activate ! crypto map YuSheiTo_WuShun ipsec-isakmp YuShei_Lan3_ToWuShun encapsulation tunnel transform-set esp-aes128-sha set security-association lifetime seconds 28800 set pfs group2 scenario site-to-site-static local-policy YuSheiTo_WuShun_LOCAL remote-policy YuSheiTo_WuShun_REMOTE ! crypto map YuShei_Lan3_ToWuShun activate adjust-mss auto ipsec-isakmp YuShei_Lan3_ToWuShun scenario site-to-site-static encapsulation tunnel transform-set esp-aes128-sha set security-association lifetime seconds 28800 set pfs group2 local-policy LAN3_SUBNET remote-policy YuSheiTo_WuShun_REMOTE no conn-check activate ! crypto map Test_Server activate adjust-mss auto ipsec-isakmp Test_Server_VPN scenario site-to-site-static encapsulation tunnel transform-set esp-aes128-sha set security-association lifetime seconds 28800 set pfs group2 local-policy Test_Server_VPN_Local remote-policy Test_Server_VPN_Remote no conn-check activate ! crypto map New_Ys_To_Chingyen activate adjust-mss auto ipsec-isakmp New_YS_To_Chingyen_IDEv1 scenario site-to-site-static encapsulation tunnel transform-set esp-aes128-sha set security-association lifetime seconds 28800 set pfs group2 local-policy LAN2_SUBNET remote-policy ChingyenLan-11 no conn-check activate ! vpn-configuration-provision authentication default ! zone LAN1 interface lan1 ! zone LAN2 interface lan2 ! zone WAN interface wan1 interface wan1_ppp interface wan2 interface wan2_ppp ! zone DMZ interface dmz ! zone OPT interface opt interface opt_ppp ! zone SSL_VPN ! zone TUNNEL ! zone IPSec_VPN crypto ChingYen_Branch_Connection crypto YuSheiToMunetaka crypto YuSheiTo_WuShun crypto YuShei_Lan3_ToWuShun crypto Test_Server crypto New_Ys_To_Chingyen ! zone LAN3 interface lan3 ! ip dns security-options 1 name Customize address-object-group RFC1918_1 address-object-group RFC1918_2 address-object-group RFC1918_3 ! ip dns security-options default name Default address-object-group any ! ip http port 8088 ip http server ! ip http secure-server cert default ip http secure-server ip http secure-server cipher-suite aes 3des des rc4 ip http secure-port 4443 ip http secure-server force-redirect ! hostname zywall-110 ! ip ssh server cert default ip ssh server ip ssh server port 1766 ! console baud 115200 ! ip ftp server cert default ip ftp server ! ntp clock time-zone +08:00 ntp server 0.pool.ntp.org ! snmp-server snmp-server version v2c snmp-server version v3 ! ip ip-mac-binding lan1 activate ip ip-mac-binding lan2 activate ip ip-mac-binding dmz activate ip ip-mac-binding lan3 activate ! ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_80 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service HTTP_TCP_80 mapped-service HTTP_TCP_80 nat-loopback ip virtual-server Wan1_ppp_DSW1515_TCP_7070 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service DS1515_Tomcat_7070 mapped-service DS1515_Tomcat_7070 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_5000 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service DS1515_Web_login_5000 mapped-service DS1515_Web_login_5000 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_43100 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service DS1515_Web_Login_43100 mapped-service DS1515_Web_Login_43100 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_43000 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service DS1515_Web_Login_43000 mapped-service DS1515_Web_Login_43000 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_5001 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service DS1515_Web_login_Sec_5001 mapped-service DS1515_Web_login_Sec_5001 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_21 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service DS1515_FTP_21 mapped-service DS1515_FTP_21 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_53 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service DNS_TCP_53 mapped-service DNS_TCP_53 nat-loopback ip virtual-server WAN1_PPP_DS1515_UDP_53 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service DNS_UDP_53 mapped-service DNS_UDP_53 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_25 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service SMTP_TCP_25 mapped-service SMTP_TCP_25 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_110 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service POP3_TCP_110 mapped-service POP3_TCP_110 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_143 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service IMAP4_TCP_143 mapped-service IMAP4_TCP_143 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_993 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service IMAP4S_TCP_993 mapped-service IMAP4S_TCP_993 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_995 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service POP3S_TCP_995 mapped-service POP3S_TCP_995 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_22 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service SSH_TCP_22 mapped-service SSH_TCP_22 nat-loopback ip virtual-server HTTP_8080_To_YuSheiNas_02 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to YuSheiNas_02 map-type original-service Http_Redirect_TCP_8080 mapped-service Http_Redirect_TCP_8080 nat-loopback ip virtual-server MariaDb_3306 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service MariaDb_3306 mapped-service MariaDb_3306 nat-loopback ip virtual-server GitLab-TCP-30000 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service GitLab-TCP-30000 mapped-service GitLab-TCP-30000 nat-loopback ip virtual-server GitLab-TCP-30001 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service GitLab-TCP-30001 mapped-service GitLab-TCP-30001 nat-loopback ip virtual-server MongoDB-TCP-37017 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service MongoDB-TCP-37017 mapped-service MongoDB-TCP-37017 nat-loopback ip virtual-server MongoDB-TCP-38017 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service MongoDB-TCP-38017 mapped-service MongoDB-TCP-38017 nat-loopback ip virtual-server AdminMongo-TCP-31234 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to YuSheiNas-03 map-type original-service AdminMongo-TCP-31234 mapped-service AdminMongo-TCP-31234 nat-loopback ip virtual-server wan1_ppp_DS1515_TCP_1765 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Synology_DS1515_plus map-type original-service DS1515_SSH_1765 mapped-service DS1515_SSH_1765 nat-loopback ip virtual-server Lan3ToLan2 interface lan3 source-ip any original-ip map-to map-type any nat-loopback ip virtual-server Wan_TO_EthereumPort_9999 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to digger01 map-type original-service EthereumPort mapped-service EthereumPort nat-loopback ip virtual-server Wan_To_Cockpit interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to ubuntu2004 map-type original-service cockpit mapped-service cockpit nat-loopback ip virtual-server pi2-nat interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to pi2 map-type service-group pi2-allowed-service nat-loopback ip virtual-server Wan_To_Redis_Mongo_01 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Redis_Mongo_01 map-type port protocol any original-port 27017 mapped-port 27017 nat-loopback ip virtual-server Wan_To_Redis_Mongo_02 interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to Redis_Mongo_02 map-type port protocol any original-port 27018 mapped-port 27018 nat-loopback ip virtual-server Wan_To_Geovsion interface wan1 source-ip any original-ip Yushei_Fixed_IP_wan1 map-to GeoVision map-type port protocol any original-port 8554 mapped-port 8554 nat-loopback ! app HomeOffice_profile description Built-in App Profile application Instant_messaging action forward no log application P2P action reject log application File_Transfer action forward no log application Streaming_Media action reject log application Mail_and_Collaboration action forward no log application Voice_over_IP action forward no log application Database action reject log application Games action forward no log application Network_Management action forward no log application Remote_Access_Terminals action forward no log application Bypass_Proxies_and_Tunnels action reject log application Web action forward no log application Security_Update action forward no log application Web_IM action reject log application Business action forward no log application Network_Protocols action forward no log application Mobile action forward no log application Private_Protocol action reject log application Social_Network action forward no log ! app Office_profile description Built-in App Profile application Instant_messaging action reject log application P2P action reject log application File_Transfer action forward no log application Streaming_Media action reject log application Mail_and_Collaboration action forward no log application Voice_over_IP action forward no log application Database action forward no log application Games action reject log application Network_Management action forward no log application Remote_Access_Terminals action forward no log application Bypass_Proxies_and_Tunnels action forward no log application Web action forward no log application Security_Update action forward no log application Web_IM action reject log application Business action forward no log application Network_Protocols action forward no log application Mobile action forward no log application Private_Protocol action reject log application Social_Network action reject log ! app Retail_profile description Built-in App Profile application Instant_messaging action reject log application P2P action reject log application File_Transfer action reject log application Streaming_Media action reject log application Mail_and_Collaboration action reject log application Voice_over_IP action reject log application Database action reject log application Games action reject log application Network_Management action reject log application Remote_Access_Terminals action reject log application Bypass_Proxies_and_Tunnels action reject log application Web action forward no log application Security_Update action reject log application Web_IM action reject log application Business action reject log application Network_Protocols action forward no log application Mobile action reject log application Private_Protocol action reject log application Social_Network action reject log ! app Healthcare_profile description Built-in App Profile application Instant_messaging action reject log application P2P action reject log application File_Transfer action reject log application Streaming_Media action reject log application Mail_and_Collaboration action reject log application Voice_over_IP action reject log application Database action reject log application Games action reject log application Network_Management action reject log application Remote_Access_Terminals action reject log application Bypass_Proxies_and_Tunnels action reject log application Web action reject log application Security_Update action reject log application Web_IM action reject log application Business action reject log application Network_Protocols action reject log application Mobile action reject log application Private_Protocol action reject log application Social_Network action reject log ! ssl-inspection cert-update auto ! utm-manager content-filter defaultport 80 utm-manager content-filter defaultport 3128 utm-manager content-filter defaultport 8080 utm-manager content-filter defaultport 443 ! utm-manager anti-spam defaultport 25 utm-manager anti-spam defaultport 110 ! utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 80 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 3128 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 8080 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 25 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 110 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 143 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 21 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 443 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 465 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 995 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 993 utm-manager anti-virus defaultport 990 ! utm-manager ssl-inspection defaultport 443 utm-manager ssl-inspection defaultport 465 utm-manager ssl-inspection defaultport 995 utm-manager ssl-inspection defaultport 993 utm-manager ssl-inspection defaultport 990 ! content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile description Built-in CF Profile content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile url match block content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile url match-unsafe warn content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile url unrate warn content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile url offline warn content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url match block content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url unrate warn content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url offline warn content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url match-unsafe block content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url match-unsafe log content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url match log content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category advertisements-pop-ups content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category alcohol-tobacco content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category business content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category chat content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category criminal-activity content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category dating-personals content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category gambling content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category games content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category hate-intolerance content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category illegal-drugs content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category nudity content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category pornography-sexually-explicit content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category violence content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category weapons content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category cults content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category hacking content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category illegal-software content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category peer-to-peer content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category school-cheating content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category sex-education content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category tasteless content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url category child-abuse-images content-filter profile Office_profile description Built-in CF Profile content-filter profile Office_profile url match block content-filter profile Office_profile url match-unsafe warn content-filter profile Office_profile url unrate warn content-filter profile Office_profile url offline warn content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url match block content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url unrate warn content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url offline warn content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category advertisements-pop-ups content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category alcohol-tobacco content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category criminal-activity content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category dating-personals content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category gambling content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category games content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category hate-intolerance content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category illegal-drugs content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category nudity content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category pornography-sexually-explicit content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category violence content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category weapons content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category cults content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category hacking content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category illegal-software content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category peer-to-peer content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category school-cheating content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category sex-education content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category tasteless content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url category child-abuse-images content-filter profile Retail_profile description Built-in CF Profile content-filter profile Retail_profile url match block content-filter profile Retail_profile url match-unsafe warn content-filter profile Retail_profile url unrate warn content-filter profile Retail_profile url offline warn content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url match block content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url unrate warn content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url offline warn content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url match-unsafe block content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url match-unsafe log content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url match log content-filter profile 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commtouch-url category finance content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category gambling content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category games content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category government content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category hate-intolerance content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category health-medicine content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category illegal-drugs content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category job-search content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category streaming-media-downloads content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category news content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category non-profits-ngos content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category nudity content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category personal-sites content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category politics 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Retail_profile commtouch-url category general content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category leisure-recreation content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category cults content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category fashion-beauty content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category greeting-cards content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category hacking content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category illegal-software content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category image-sharing content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category information-security content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category instant-messaging content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category peer-to-peer content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category private-ip-addresses content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category school-cheating content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category sex-education content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category tasteless content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url category child-abuse-images content-filter profile Healthcare_profile description Built-in CF Profile content-filter profile Healthcare_profile url match block content-filter profile Healthcare_profile url match-unsafe warn content-filter profile Healthcare_profile url unrate warn content-filter profile Healthcare_profile url offline warn content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url match block content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url unrate warn content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url offline warn content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url match-unsafe block content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url match-unsafe log content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url match log content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category advertisements-pop-ups content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category alcohol-tobacco content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category arts content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category business content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category transportation content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category chat content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category forums-newsgroups content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category computers-technology content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category criminal-activity content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category dating-personals content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category download-sites content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category education content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category entertainment content-filter profile 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profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category politics content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category pornography-sexually-explicit content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category real-estate content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category religion content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category restaurants-dining content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category search-engines-portals content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category shopping content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category social-networking content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category sports content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category translators content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category travel content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category violence content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category weapons content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category web-based-email content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category general content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category leisure-recreation content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category cults content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category fashion-beauty content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category greeting-cards content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category hacking content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category illegal-software content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category image-sharing content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category information-security content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category instant-messaging content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category peer-to-peer content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category private-ip-addresses content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category school-cheating content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category sex-education content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category tasteless content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url category child-abuse-images content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url match-unsafe block content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url match-unsafe log content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url match log content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url unrate log content-filter profile Healthcare_profile commtouch-url offline log content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url unrate log content-filter profile HomeOffice_profile commtouch-url offline log content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url unrate log content-filter profile Office_profile commtouch-url offline log content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url unrate log content-filter profile Retail_profile commtouch-url offline log ! session-limit activate session-limit limit 1000 ! session-limit6 activate session-limit6 limit 1000 ! idp anomaly activate ! idp anomaly ADP_PROFILE base all scan-detection block-period 5 flood-detection block-period 5 ! idp anomaly rule 1 from-zone WAN bind ADP_PROFILE activate ! no bwm activate ! secure-policy 1 name Wan_To_Geovision from WAN to LAN2 destinationip GeoVision action allow ! secure-policy 2 name Wan_To_Redis_Mongo_02 from WAN to LAN2 destinationip Redis_Mongo_02 service Redis_Mongo_02_27018 action allow ! secure-policy 3 name Wan_to_Redis_Mongo_01 to LAN2 destinationip Redis_Mongo_01 service Redis_Mongo_01_27017 action allow from WAN ! secure-policy 4 name WAN_to_DS1515 description WAN to DS1515 from WAN to DMZ destinationip Synology_DS1515_plus service DS1515_Server_Service action allow ! secure-policy 5 name DMZ_To_LAN2 description DMZ To Lan2 from DMZ to LAN2 sourceip DMZ_SUBNET destinationip LAN2_SUBNET action allow ! secure-policy 6 name Wan_to_YuSheiNas_02 description Wan to YuSheiNas-02 to LAN2 destinationip YuSheiNas_02 service YuSheiNAS-02_8080 action allow ! secure-policy 7 name Wan_to_gitLab_30000 description Wan to GitLab 30000 from WAN to DMZ destinationip Synology_DS1515_plus service GitLab-TCP-30000 action allow ! secure-policy 8 name Wan-to-GitLab-30000 description Wan to GitLab 30000 from WAN to DMZ destinationip Synology_DS1515_plus service GitLab-TCP-30000 action allow ! secure-policy 9 name Wan-to-Mongo-37017 description MongoDB-Port-27017 from WAN to DMZ destinationip Synology_DS1515_plus service MongoDB-TCP-37017 action allow ! secure-policy 10 name Wan-to-Ubuntu2004-Cockpit description Wan To ubuntu2004 Ckcopit from WAN to LAN1 destinationip ubuntu2004 service cockpit action allow ! secure-policy 11 from LAN1 action allow name LAN1_Outgoing ! secure-policy 12 name LAN3_Outgoing from LAN3 action allow ! secure-policy 13 from LAN2 action allow name LAN2_Outgoing ! secure-policy 14 from DMZ action allow name DMZ_to_WAN to WAN ! secure-policy 15 from IPSec_VPN action allow name IPSec_VPN_Outgoing ! secure-policy 16 from SSL_VPN action allow name SSL_VPN_Outgoing ! secure-policy 17 from TUNNEL action allow name TUNNEL_Outgoing ! secure-policy 18 from LAN1 to ZyWALL action allow name LAN1_to_Device ! secure-policy 19 from LAN2 to ZyWALL action allow name LAN2_to_Device ! secure-policy 20 from DMZ action allow name DMZ_to_Device to ZyWALL service Default_Allow_DMZ_To_ZyWALL ! secure-policy 21 from WAN to ZyWALL service Default_Allow_WAN_To_ZyWALL action allow name WAN_to_Device ! secure-policy 22 from IPSec_VPN to ZyWALL action allow name IPSec_VPN_to_Device ! secure-policy 23 from SSL_VPN to ZyWALL action allow name SSL_VPN_to_Device ! secure-policy 24 from TUNNEL to ZyWALL action allow name TUNNEL_to_Device ! secure-policy default-rule action deny log ! secure-policy6 1 to ZyWALL service Default_Allow_v6_any_to_ZyWALL action allow name Device_Default_Allow_Service ! secure-policy6 2 from LAN1 action allow name LAN1_Outgoing ! secure-policy6 3 from LAN2 action allow name LAN2_Outgoing ! secure-policy6 4 from DMZ to WAN action allow name DMZ_to_WAN ! secure-policy6 5 from IPSec_VPN action allow name IPSec_VPN_Outgoing ! secure-policy6 6 from SSL_VPN action allow name SSL_VPN_Outgoing ! secure-policy6 7 from TUNNEL action allow name TUNNEL_Outgoing ! secure-policy6 8 from LAN1 to ZyWALL action allow name LAN1_to_Device ! secure-policy6 9 from LAN2 to ZyWALL action allow name LAN2_to_Device ! secure-policy6 10 from DMZ to ZyWALL service Default_Allow_v6_DMZ_To_ZyWALL action allow name DMZ_to_Device ! secure-policy6 11 from WAN to ZyWALL service Default_Allow_v6_WAN_To_ZyWALL action allow name WAN_to_Device ! secure-policy6 12 from IPSec_VPN to ZyWALL action allow name IPSec_VPN_to_Device ! secure-policy6 13 from SSL_VPN to ZyWALL action allow name SSL_VPN_to_Device ! secure-policy6 14 from TUNNEL to ZyWALL action allow name TUNNEL_to_Device ! secure-policy6 default-rule action deny log ! policy controll-ipsec-dynamic-rules activate ! no alg sip transformation no alg sip inactivity-timeout ! alg sip defaultport port 5060 ! no alg h323 transformation ! alg ftp alg ftp transformation ! users retry-limit users retry-count 5 users lockout-period 30 ! users update-lease automation ! app-watch-dog activate ! web-auth web-portal ! web-auth type default-web-portal ! web-auth type default-user-agreement ! web-auth exceptional-service DNS ! web-auth default-rule authentication unnecessary no log ! zymesh provision-group 90:EF:68:CD:29:EF ! cloud-helper set remind never ! wtp-logging system-log suppression ! wtp-logging mail 1 category all level all wtp-logging mail 2 category all level all ! no usb-storage activate no diag-info copy usb-storage ! no logging usb-storage ! logging system-log suppression logging system-log category forward-web-sites disable logging system-log category ssl-inspection-traffic disable ! logging mail 1 category all level all ! logging mail 2 category all level all ! vrpt send interface statistics interval 15 vrpt send system status interval 15 vrpt send device information interval 3600 ! ! ! device-ha mode active-passive ! device-ha ap-mode cluster-id 1 device-ha ap-mode role master ! device-ha ap-mode backup sync interval 30 ! no device-ha activate !